Social commerce


Influencer marketing agency


“Take your mobıle advertısıng to the next level with user-generated short form ads.”

Adtoker creates user-generated short-form ads for mobile apps, mobile games, and E-Commerce brands helping them to utilize innovative and authentic ads that can target users around the globe.

With Adtoker’s user-generated content, you can create captivating campaigns that stand out from competitors and capture the attention of viewers.

Adtoker creates ads that are compatible with all types of social media platforms, allowing your campaigns to reach a wider audience no matter where they are.

With user-generated short-form ads, you can create unique and engaging campaigns that will capture users’ attention and stand out from competitors.

User-generated ads provide an efficacious way to ensure that your ads engage users in a more authentic manner than regular social media ads.

They are better than solely relying on the animations or demonstrations, user-generated content allows you to tap into the real-life experiences and emotions of your target audience.

By leveraging stories crafted from everyday lives, user-generated ads also offer an effective way to build hype around your product quickly and sustainably.

Studies have shown that people’s attention span has decreased significantly in recent years with an average attention span of 8 seconds.

That’s why it’s so important to consider using short-form content ads when marketing on social media.

Short-form ads are designed to grab user attention quickly and concisely, making them the perfect choice for apps hoping to reach a wide audience.

Thanks to their shorter format and higher engagement potential, short-form ads can often produce better results than long-form ads.

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